
All the information on the Action.jobs recruitment website is the property of Action, various hyperlinks excepteed. You are not permitted to disclose, copy or store this information (including corporate identity, logos, texts, photos, visual material, sound material and design) without Action's express consent in writing. If you only make personal and not commercial use of the information, you do not need permission.

The information on our recruitment website is compiled with great care. We do our utmost to prevent mistakes, but nonetheless, they unfortunately sometimes occur. Action is not liable for the completeness and/or accuracy of the above information and has the right to make any changes immediately, without having to announce them first.

External links
On this recruitment website you will sometimes find links to other websites not owned by Action. When you click on a link of this sort, you will leave our recruitment website. We have not checked the information on these external websites for accuracy. Action is therefore not responsible and/or liable for the use and/or content of these websites.

We work continually to ensure the security of our systems and this recruitment website. Despite this care, situations may arise in which security breaches occur. Have you discovered such a breach? Then report it to iso@action.nl.